MAMEMAKI (Through Beans)!
Posted by Nyanko
10:15 PM
Japanese culture
Today,it was SETSUBUN, the end of winter.Tomorrow is the beginning of spring.
We through beans today to through away eveils and invite happy.
When my father was a child, he used to enjoy this day,he says.All families in his village, they put a seive at porch and sardines sticked with holly trees.
Because, evils(=ONI in Japanese.or to say Devil?) come to their house and find a seive,they start to count holes of seive and can't go into house.In addition,sardine and holly tree have a power to get away evils.
To be honest, I don't like SETSUBUN...because I have to clean up all beans here and there in whole house...But I do it every year, so It's not comfortable if I didn't do that.
After throughing beans, we eat beans as many as our age, then we can live this year without getting diseases!